Libby Hemphill, PhD

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ORCID: 0000-0002-3793-7281

Headshot of Libby-a woman with short dark brown hair, glasses, wearing a yellow sweater and standing outside

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About Me

Social media has some very real toxicity challenges, like harassment and cyberbullying, that diminish its utility for collective and democratic efforts, and I study human-AI content moderation to address those challenges (NSF Grant, Belfer Fellowship, Mozilla Grant, Nayar Prize). I also study data curation, especially how we evaluate (a) the impacts of data reuse and (b) investments in curating and disseminating research data. My work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the Nayar Prize, Mozilla, the Anti-Defamation League, Amazon, and DiscoverText.

I have a few titles at the University of Michigan:

Work with Me

Thank you for your interest! I am not recruiting students or postdocs or accepting new committee invitations right now (or for Fall 2024).

Get in Touch

Email is best.


Here’s a PDF of my CV and some recent publications:

Data Curation and Archiving

Social Media, Content Moderation, and Extremism

Political Communication in Social Media

Working Papers

Some of my work that’s not (yet) published. These are workshop papers, papers under review, and/or longer versions of papers for conferences that review only abstracts during submission.

You can find more at